
Love Transcends All

Love transcends all. I first read this line in the introductory section of Love for Imperfect Things by Haemin Sunim. He shared that even without complete understanding, we can completely love. 

I have this feeling of love that is indescribable, love to the family. Often they are the one who knows us all, our flaws, anguish and ugly moments when we are having a temper (you know at times, at least for me). They are the first one to witness our honest reactions, how we behave in difficulties, how we manage our anger and just how we are. And still, after all, they are the one that we love the most right? The one that we would give our all even at times you just can't stand how annoying your siblings may be. Haemin Sunim perfectly describes how love transcends human understanding. I definitely love my parents, but do I understand them at times? No, of course not. I believe that they feel the same about me too, maybe. 

Sometimes only when our loved ones are gone, then only we realized the depth of their love. Sometimes we only realized how much we love someone, when they are gone. 
The intersection? Both are gone, but love stays. Always. 

Someone I dearly love departed recently.Al-Fatihah. 

Only then, I know how much I loved him. Sometimes, people cross our paths in life for some reasons and they leave a mark in our heart.It is true that we surely remember how one treated us.I had not spent much time with him, but each moment was valuable.Time and distance,may set people apart,but the connection and bond that have been shared,it will always be there. Pictures may ignite our memory of how things look like, but special moments live forever in our heart.Thank you for being so kind and nice to me.

“At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou

I wonder sometimes, where do all the love come from.Love flows like a river, it knows no end.Love and compassion are all from Him, Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim.I am just a humble human being, blessed with the taste of love.

I hope you will keep being strong there. You were always there to comfort me at times of despair. I hope I could do the same. Please, keep being strong.I only hope the best for you.Will be here if you need me.


p/s : I never tell you this,my favourite version of Stand by Me is by Endless Summer.
May you find peace too.