Blog is not a diary FOR ME



 can write anything you want in your blog but for me blog is not a diary. Anyone can read it and it will effect your everyday life.Like we post I like this someonesomeone and guess what the next day you go to school your friends'll ask you "Hey,you really like that someone?" If you have answer for that then it's okay but if you don't then that's the problem.

      Anyone have diary here? Put up your hands. Ya, Only a few. heheh.You shouldn't right personal things about yourselves in your blog. It loooks like you have nothing secret in your life. Anyone,silent reader or your followers which actually never meet you,don't know your full name, they're nothing to you is not someone that deserve to know your secret. Or maybe,u don't have a secret..I have a lot of secrets.And some of that i only keep it for me to know it.Some Top Secrets i don't even write it in my diary. Because My superduperawesome secret are in my heart

 "If you think your secret is really a secret so sealed it in your heart.Don't ever take it out from that!"

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