One small step


Semuanya sudah di penghujung.2020 kini seperti hujan lebat,menangisi segala yang telah berlalu,awan bungkam dan kelabu.Namun di setiap penghujung kita harus sedar akan ada permulaan yang baru.Hidupkanlah jiwamu.Apa-apa saja yang telah kita harungi,telah pun berlalu.

Sekarang,jalan terus.Benar impian itu yang menghidupkan.Ini saya kira kata-kata semangat yang akan terus menyuburkan jiwa saya dan tetap kuat untuk kecapi apa yang ada di hadapan.
Yes,life is uncertain.But why would you let yourself in that same loop of disappointment, live and soar higher.Do not succumb in the past - dwelling in all the sadness and sorrow.You have the power to be better,then be it.

Take one small step at a time.One wise friend once told me if things seem to be out of your capacity and you are starting to feel the burden and the fear of not being able to cope with what life is throwing at you,take a paper and write down the things.Then,as you try to figure it out and settle them one by one,scratch the one that you have accomplished.There you go, a small achievement.You deserve a pat on the back.

As for 2021,I would like to focus on my passion as that will push me to achieve it.Let us start small and achieve it one by one.Academic wise, that falls into the scope of responsibility.Yes,our grades do not define us.Tetapi jika berjaya dalam pendidikan itu yang akan membawa kita jauh mencapai impian-impian lain dan menjadikan kita lebih cemerlang dalam segenap aspek,maka itu juga impian yang layak diletakkan sebagai prioriti bukan.Makanya,saya selalu meletakkan apa yang saya minat itu sebagai penolak untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam akademik.

Goals for arts - to produce postcards and art prints.Goals for final year - I hope that I will be able to do my internship at a counselling centre or anything related to psychology and pick the right topic for my final year project.A lot of readings is required.I hope that my topic will be beneficial and impactful to the community.

Start wherever you are,start now.

I already have a list of my fav lyrics and poems for the postcards.Hoping that I will make good use of this coming semester break to paint and start applying for internships.

Slow down,don't rush things.There are things you can see only when you slow down.
Let us do something special on 1 January 2021
It falls on Jumaat,a plus point.

    -Read al-kahf (at least 1-10 and 100-110) and read the tafsir

    -Have a sip of your favourite drink- be it dalgona,latte,green tea (with a spoonful of              honey) or hot choc

    -Write,yes please.Jot down what you feel anywhere,be it on a small piece of paper and          put it in your wallet.Let's do this so that on certain gloomy days you can read it and              realize how you've had a good start on 1st of January.

    -Dress nicely- to impress yourself!Put on that make-up,wear something that makes you         feel good,just do it -it is a start of something new.

    -Let's maintain good hygiene this year,a clean and fresh you shows how much self-                respect that you have on yourself.Plus,it's jumaat - Trim your nails,shave,and put on             perfume

    -Okay,now -SELFIE!This would be the first picture in your album of 2021.Oh,please             smile!

    -Whatever heavy feelings that you bring from 2020 or difficult emotions that you cannot     resolve,it is okay.Let me reassure you,it is okay to feel that way ( we will talk bout this         soon in 2021)


We are good to go,2021 is going to be an amazing year.Life is uncertain,let it be.As long as we are certain of our purposes in this world,even if we do not come into terms with certain aspects of our life,as long as we have the will to keep living,you are going to be okay.

Adios!For everyone who supported me right from the start of @farrahwhoart,I need to say this - I love all of you for doing so.Thank you,that meant so much to me.

                                                                                                                 Between what is said 

and not meant

and what is meant

and not said

most love is lost 

- Kahlil Gibran

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